Wednesday, July 13, 2016

EB Follower Mini Adventures

Hello Fellow Rainbow Council Members,

     This post is to discuss my plan for expanding the importance of our retainers (specifically the ones that I have given stats to) and how they fit in with the overall story that we are trying to create with the Equality Brigade. The plan is that each week, depending on adventures and the people/property of the EB, I will write an excerpt about missions for the No-Cloaks to go on to further the EB cause. These will come in the form of optional quests to send them on which will in turn (possibly) affect future experiences of the Equality Brigade. Each Mini will have three options of quest to choose from: Dominance, Influence, and Omniscience.

Dominance- This quest option focuses on reducing the powers any forces opposing the Equality Brigade or ensuring our supremacy over an area. Some examples could include taking out bandits near our holdings or stealing members of the local guilds away from other factions of power (Harpers, Xhents, etc.). If they do well then the rewards from this option are more likely to be the spoils of war and new recruits to join in our escapades across Faerun; while the penalties for failing could be losing lands/property or possible deaths of guild-members.

Influence- This quest option focuses of increasing our reputation with cities and factions as well as spreading our grips onto different organization and people of power. Some examples could include establishing trade routes into cities, attending to dignitaries and parties, or serving under other factions to gain their support for future use. If they do well then rewards in this option could be increased gold income and ways to spend it; while the penalties could be losing face with factions and potentially making enemies where friends could have been.

Omniscience- This quest option focuses on the research and lore gathering to improve the aggregate knowledge of the Equality Brigade. Some examples include researching gathered magical objects, delving into ancient ruins for ancient texts, and gathering knowledge on local factions and their power positions throughout the land. Rewards for this route include possible magic items and information that may lead to side-quests; failures may result in loss of magic items or other unforeseen consequences of tapping into ancient or forbidden secrets.

(Note*** This is just a generalized example of choices and actual mission types and rewards may vary from mission to mission)

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