Saturday, August 20, 2016

Roll Out Characters -AL Legal- (in progress)

Rolling Out Charcters

    1. Race d20 
      1. Dwarf
        1. Hill
        2. Mountain
        3. Gray (Duergar)
        4. Shield
        5. Gold
      2. Elf
        1. High - Moon
        2. High - Sun
        3. Wood
        4. Dark (Drow)
      3. Halfling
        1. Lightfoot
        2. Ghostwise
        3. Strongheart
        4. Stout
      4. Human
        1. Calishite
        2. Chondathan
        3. Damaran
        4. Illuskan
        5. Mulan
        6. Rashemi
        7. Shou
        8. Tethyrian
        9. Turami
        10. Arkaiun
        11. Bedine
        12. Ffolk
        13. Gur
        14. Halruaan
        15. Imaskari
        16. Nar
        17. Shaaran
        18. Tuigan
        19. Ulutiun
      5. Dragonborn
        1. Black
        2. Blue
        3. Brass
        4. Bronze
        5. Copper
        6. Gold
        7. Green
        8. Red
        9. Silver
        10. White
      6. Gnome
        1. Forest
        2. Rock
        3. Deep (svirfneblin)
      7. Half-Elf
        1. Regular
        2. Wood
        3. Moon
        4. Sun
        5. Drow
        6. Aquatic
      8. Half-Orc
      9. Tiefling
        1. Regular
        2. Sword Coast Variant
      10. Genasi
        1. Air
        2. Earth
        3. Fire
        4. Water
      11. Goliath
      12. Aasimar
        1. Protector
        2. Scourge
        3. Fallen
      13. Firbolg
      14. Kenku 
      15. Lizardfolk
      16. Tabaxi
      17. Triton
      18. (-20) Monster
        1. Bugbear
        2. Goblin
        3. HobGoblin
        4. Kobold
        5. Orc
        6. Yuan-ti
    2. Classes d12
      1. Barbarian
        1. Battlerager (dwarf only)
        2. Beserker
        3. Totem Warrior
          1. Bear
          2. Eagle
          3. Wolf
          4. Elk
          5. Tiger
      2. Bard
        1. College of Lore
        2. College of Valor
      3. Cleric
        1. Knowledge
        2. Life
        3. Light
        4. Nature
        5. Tempest
        6. Trickery
        7. War
        8. Arcana
      4. Druid
        1. Circle of the Land
        2. Circle of the Moon
      5. Fighter
        1. Champion
        2. Battle Master
        3. Eldritch Knight
        4. Purple Dragon Knight
      6. Monk
        1. Open Hand
        2. Shadow
        3. Four Elements
        4. Long Death
        5. Sun Soul
      7. Paladin
        1. Devotion
        2. Ancients
        3. Vengeance
        4. Crown
      8. Ranger
        1. Hunter
        2. Beast Master
      9. Rogue
        1. Thief
        2. Assassin
        3. Arcane Trickster
        4. Mastermind
        5. Swashbuckler
      10. Sorcerer
        1. Draconic Bloodline
          1. Black
          2. Blue
          3. Brass
          4. Bronze
          5. Copper
          6. Gold
          7. Green
          8. Red
          9. Silver
          10. White
        2. Wild Magic
        3. Storm
      11. Warlock
        1. Archfey
        2. Fiend
        3. Great Old One
        4. Undying
      12. Wizard
        1. Abjuration
        2. Conjuration
        3. Divination
        4. Enchantment
        5. Evocation
        6. Illusion
        7. Necromancy
        8. Transmutation
        9. Blade singing (Elf/Half-elf only)
    3. Backgrounds d30
      1. Acolyte
      2. Charlatan
      3. City Watch
      4. Clan Crafter
      5. Cloistered Scholar 
      6. Courtier
      7. Criminal
      8. Entertainer
      9. Faction Agent
      10. Far Traveler
      11. Folk Hero
      12. Guild Artisan
      13. Hermit
      14. Inheritor
      15. Knight of the Order
      16. Mercenary Veteran
      17. Noble
      18. Outlander
      19. Sage
      20. Sailor
      21. Soldier
      22. Urban Bounty Hunter
      23. Urchin
      24. Uthgardt Tribe Member
      25. Waterdhavian Noble
      26. Dragon Scholar (HotDQ)
      27. Cult of the Dragon Infiltrator(HotDQ)
    4. Alignment
      1. Lawful good
      2. Neutral good
      3. Chaotic good
      4. Lawful neutral
      5. Neutral
      6. Chaotic neutral
      7. Lawful evil
    5. Faction
      1. Harpers
      2. Order of the Gauntlet
      3. Emerald Enclave
      4. Lord’s Alliance
      5. Zhentarim

    Character Details
    1. Languages
      1. Dwarvish
      2. Elvish
      3. Giant
      4. Gnomish
      5. Goblin
      6. Halfling
      7. Orc
      8. Abyssal
      9. Celestial
      10. Draconic
      11. Deep Speech
      12. Infernal
      13. Primordial
      14. Sylvan
      15. Undercommon
    2. Age
      1. Young
      2. Teen
      3. Young Adult
      4. Adult
      5. Mid Life Crisis
      6. Old
      7. Stupid Old
      8. Timeless
    3. Gender d20
      1. odds- male
      2. even- female
      3. 1 or 20- gender neutral
    4. Sexuality d100
      1. odds- straight
      2. even- gay
      3. 2-9 & 91-99 bisexual
      4. 1 & 100 asexual
    5. Religion(Gods)
      1. Deities of Forgotten Realms
      2. Nonhuman Deites

    Appearance (Broad categories, personalize to your taste or based on character)
    1. Skin (broad categories)
      1. Fair
      2. Medium
      3. Warm
      4. Tan
      5. Dark
    2. Eye Color
      1. Amber
      2. Black
      3. Blue
      4. Brown
      5. Green
      6. Gray
      7. Hazel
      8. Unusual
    3. Hair Color
      1. Black
      2. Blond
      3. Brown
      4. Gray
      5. Red
      6. Unusual
      7. White
    4. Distinguishing Mark (repeat to your desire)
      1. Birth Mark
      2. Piercing
      3. Scar
      4. Tattoo
      5. None
      6. None
        1. Location of Mark
          1. head or neck
          2. left arm
          3. right arm
          4. left leg
          5. right leg
          6. chest
          7. butt
          8. back
          9. hand/s (1-2 both, 3-4 left, 5-6 right)
          10. foot/feet (1-2 both, 3-4 left, 5-6 right)
          11. roll two times d10, tattoos of a similar type or theme spread above all space in between
          12. tattoos of a similar type or theme spread above the whole body


    1. Musical Instruments
      1. Brass
        1. Glaur (short curved horns)
        2. Horn
      2. Percussion
        1. Drum
        2. Hand Drum
        3. Tantan (tambourine)
        4. Tocken (bells)
        5. Wargong
        6. Zulkoon (pump organ)
      3. Strings
        1. Dulcimer
        2. Lute
        3. Lyre
        4. Viol
        5. Yarting (guitar)
      4. Woodwinds
        1. Bagpipes
        2. Birdpipes (pan pipes)
        3. Flute
        4. Longhorn (flute)
        5. Pan flute
        6. Shawm (medieval oboe)
        7. Songhorn (recorder)
        8. Thelarr (whistle)
    2. Artisan Tools
      1. Alchemist's supplies
      2. Brewer's supplies
      3. Calligrapher's supplies
      4. Carpenter's tools
      5. Cartographer's tools
      6. Cobbler's tools
      7. Cook's tools
      8. Glassblower's tools
      9. Jeweler's tools
      10. Leatherworker's tools
      11. Mason's tools
      12. Painter's tools
      13. Potter's tools
      14. Smith's tools
      15. Tinker's tools
      16. Weaver's tools
      17. Woodcarver's tools
    3. Gaming Sets
      1. Dice Set
      2. Dragonchess
      3. Playing card
      4. Three-Dragon Ante

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Chelsea of the Purple Cloak

Chelsea was raised by aristocrat parents that told her that she was special and powerful, and never explained to her why her skin burned and things always caught fire before her. They told her that she needed to control and suppress her fire nature and that control is how one has power. Yet as she grew up, men often told her she was beautiful and would bow before her when she burned them. Growing up smug and self important, she started taking control in a very direct way and made her way up the food chain so to speak with her dominant behavior.

 Unaware that she is a fire genasi, she thinks she is gifted by the gods with her firey skills and special skin and demands from the people around her respect and love for this reason. She found the temple of Loviatar in her teen years and it fit her opinions on the world, she joined and made her way up to be a priestess, she believed her firey magic was the gift of Loviatar to give the best pain to those who came to worship .   Soon she had clients from all over the world. Her whip could inspire the lazy and rich alike, and a bit of music made a client more likely to obey her command. She could torment her collared slaves and then restore them before releasing them from her care.

She has a younger sister named Phedre who she directed many of her cruel actions on who thusly avoids associating with her.

Currently Chelsea is the Purple Cloak on the Rainbow council. She is a great hero of the realm who helped defeat many evils during the rise of Elemental evil and Underdark rebellion. Many people are her thralls.

She is 5'7 with dark red skin, black hair that flairs into bright red, shoulder length with bangs. Amber eyes.