Sunday, September 13, 2015

Tales of My Death- By Phedre

 Among the Papers of EB is found scrawled in blood and blotted with dirt this poem. Scratched upon the back of some waxed paper. It is scrawled in fine handwriting, but lacks the depth of a trained writer.

The world is not kind to me. Woe it is anything but

I am lost among the seas of whips and tears

Shall I ever be free?

Guilded halls, I run from thee, sister at my heel

To live a life, kind and free

Is All I ever did seek

Yet here I am dead again

Risen once more

The stars did come, they did leave

Etching pain across my mind

Will I ever know what freedom is?

I try to run, I try to flee

Please just let me be

Cruel Drow Priestess makes me miss

My sisters whips blistering kiss