Dear journal,
TodA, methinks
I ha' lernd tha leters wel enuf tha I wil bE Abl to luk at wat
I ha writ and remMber what thA sA. I think me kelda spOk wIs wen
she bAd me wrIt te remMber what I did, but O wAlE if e'er what I wrIt
is tAken in a com-pli-cat-ed doc-U-ment!
TodA ha been
quIt tha day! Leosin bAd me fallO tha caravan, and sO I did. Tha
path I follOed led me to a hOl army o' muilemhagun, o' biggun tOds. I used wat me
kelda that me, and was able to snEk past them, but it was all I cood
do to no cry wAlE! Me thot I would dre me wyrd at there hands
spErs! I thot thA were marchin te tAk the casel
castle, bu nau I do no think so NEmore. Within tha castle
I fond a groop of pEpl. Methinks they R truly me wyrd group, for
sur they are wErd! When I told them wAlE, thar be a group o biggum
tOds, 'n' te run, thA did no! ThA tuk most o a minute te ask hu I
was 'n' if thA cud trust me! For shur, if e'er I hEr a wAlE 'n' RUN,
I naer ask queshions
who is shoutin, 'n' jus run, if awA from the danger, gud, i' to the
danger, bettR!
tIm we ran down to the dunjon, 'n' Kieran fel into a puddle, trippin
o'er sumthin I dinnae sE thar bEfor. WE faut an eabarun, thO methinks
the oothers hEr call it a SLIME.
Wit tha big group, i wen doun EZ. Then wE met wit sum biggun
tOds, undr the castle! I dinnae sE what happn'd, bu methinks Ril
kiled them quik. WE then slid doon a hil o mood, 'n' methinks Ril
used Sam as a sled! Ril can be varry intrsting! At the botom o the
hil, thar was a hUg pile o' laghairtun, oor LIZARDFOLK,
bEin Eten bI the biggun tOds! The biggun tOds alredE had the land
undr the castle!
walked arund thar lAk, 'n' found Snapjaw, hoo is Kieran's friend. WE
also found wat methinks was the biggun tOd's kelder, 'n' he was
sacrificin' Snapjaw! Nau, I rspect other kelders, bu I naer lIk
sacrificin things, 'specIlY things tha nae wanna be sacrificed, so me
'n' Kieran hEled Snapjaw, and e'eryone defended theyselvs from the
biggun tOds all 'round. Wen thA wer all ded, I found some new
armer!, 'n' the oothrs loooked foor moor gold 'n' things! (I M findin
many OOO's in a roow is foon te wrIt!) Many jRs fel from the rooof,
and Ril got some wIt poudr in her face, then strtd atakin us!
Methinks tha scard me most of all that happnd tedA! Then I remMbrd
wer the portl was (oh, aye, thar was a portl undr the castle we wantd
to get te te get oot). WE went throo, and I M rIting this on the
oothr side!
I M nau with a vary divers group. ThA are:
Ril: she is vary sneakE, 'n' methink I can
learn from her. But she hides from a fight, and I do nae think that
is gud, e'en thO the biggun tOds died faster when she did. MabE she
is not hIdin from the fightin!
Sam: She sEms nice, and is wilin te be Ril's
platform (thank ye Kieran fer helpin me spell that!). I M wonderin why....
Kieran: He is nae vary trustin, 'n' sometimes
clumsE, bu he is luial loial loyel
does a lot for his friends
Snapjaw: He is a laghairtun, 'n' has the
tawkin' o' the lAk folk wE usd te borO fish from!
p.s. If e'er this is ta'en te
cort, this is NAE a con-fesh-ion! I lI all the tIm, an' ye canno
trust tha things I say OOR wrIt! I di nae do it!
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