Monday, June 8, 2015

A scroll found at camp

(you find a large scroll by by Ril’s resting place one night at camp. It is curiously sitting out quite noticeably as if someone left it out there on purpose. It seems to be a work in progress with many cross outs and short-hand notes written in the margins and between lines.)

A treatise 2TL a study The Art of Subtlety by a Shrewd Master

Many overlook look the Subtle Art, a part of its’ charm which may be due to its’ key nature, and lose out on a rewarding and healthy lifestyle. First let us look at the most obvious of reasons to learn the Art, the rewards. To act in a subtle manner reaps prizes both physical and metaphysical beyond internal. When one is an adventurer for hire (or any other simlar and excellent job choices) the most common request of employers’ is discretion. This is often a side request and one can still receive payment either way however, employers, and any allies one should meet along the job, reward r2m tend to bestow kindness on one’s level of discreetness. And by kindness I mean gold Kier Also, whenever dealing with persons of power, subtlety is the only way to get things done. Showing one’s hand too quickly can cause one to lose out on the bigger game. 2m1? bigger game means bigger reward. 
Now onto the less obvious, the benefits to one’s health. When one is a master of the Subtle Art, one avoids much stress and danger that comes about from open and rash behavior. To properly explain, let us use some examples. When one is meeting the wise, powerful leader of one’s organization, a subtle master would be able to point out the leaders complete lack of fashion sense without being sent through a portal to a hell swamp. A subtle master may even be able to insult the leader on his lacking skills in such a way as to be seemingly compliment him. Let’s say this is a magical organization; “Clearly a Master of the Arcane, has no time to spend on such frivolites as ones appearance, and it is only right that you push such small tasks onto another”. seeming to be humble is In another example, a person without a more refined manner might instigate a rebellion among members of dragon cultists, thus obvioulsy potentially drawing catastophe the eye and ire of a dragon. Though one with skills in the canny and cunning can bend such a situation to their advantage. One of such astutenes could use the rebellion as a distraction to steal a dragon’s treasure. It would of course be best if one’s involvement in the rebellion was unknown, making even the rebels believe it was their idea. A Master of the Subtle never chooses a side, but waits for the highest bidder and seemingly gets behind them. Always be ready to change alliance, it is not betrayal if one wasn’t a believer in the first place. 

The  Art of Subtlety is a sophisticated art to master. It takes time and dedication. One of course does not brag boast one’s skills but, inconspicusly uses them to the advantage of oneself and those around them. 

1 comment:

  1. Alphonse reads the note then shakes his head

    "Why would someone want to be subtle when they can be fabulous?" he wondered.

    (When he sets the scroll back it is now covered in trace amounts of glitter and has the faintest scent of lavender)
