So your character has hit 5th level? Great! You are no longer a boring newb adventurer. The great Wyrm commends you on your accomplishment of not being slaughtered by the foul beasts of the wild world yet.
Time to take a moment and reflect. So you started out as a character, someone who had a background/flaw/personality trait/bond. You are better than that now, you are someone, people are starting to hear about you! Time to invest... deeper.
So here is a 'mini' sheet for you to fill out at Level 5/8/10/12/14 ect.
Faction Level:
Secret Missions:
What was your flaw?
How has this flaw influenced your life?
Are you aware of this flaw?
If so, how do you plan to overcome it?
Have you realized you have more flaws along the way?
What was your initial bond?
Does that bond still stand?
What is the most signifigant bond in your characters life currently?
What is your characters bond with each of your main party members(one to three sentances on each character)?
What is one place you have visited that you would like to visit again?
If you were to retire, have you found where you want to retire?
What is your current main goal as a character?
What is one item your character really wants?
These sheets are to help reflect on your characters growth. They are not to be used by any other PC against a player, or as player knowledge. If a player wants to fill this out secretly and send it to the great wyrm privately, that is acceptable.
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